Our History
The citizens of Menard County, recognizing the importance of protecting and maximizing beneficial use of the scarce water resources of the county and the necessity for protecting integrity of the county’s groundwater quality, introduced legislation in the 71st Regular Legislative Session (1991) for creation of the District. A confirmation election was held on August 14, 1999, with 119 (94%) of the votes cast in favor of confirming the creation of the District and 7 (6%) against. The District is governed by a five-member locally-elected Board of Directors. The directors serve staggered two-year terms, assuring the District’s responsiveness to voters’ approval or disapproval of the local management of their groundwater and/or the services provided by the District.
Our Board & Staff
The District is governed by a five-member locally elected Board of Directors. The directors serve staggered four-year terms, elected in May of odd numbered years. With elections of directors taking place every two years, the District is very responsive to voters’ approval or disapproval of the local management of their groundwater and/or the services provided by the District.
Dr. Sheridan Duncan – President
Mark Blau – Vice President
Richard "Dick" Winters – Secretary/ Treasurer
Jay Kothmann – Director
Jim Wright – Director
Meredith Allen - District Manager
Lydia Damon - Office Manager
Election Information
Election information can be found at the Secretary of State website, here. Forms and updates for the 2025 election will also be posted on the elections tab on the home page as they become available from the Secretary of State.
Notice of Deadline to File an Application to be on the Ballot